My previous boss disappeared for a week and didn't tell us why. We thought the team was gonna get fired because of him and I even started looking for a new job. The team got fired, but they kept me for some other work.

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    What the what, why would the team get fired because of boss going AWOL? I'm missing something here, perhaps I'm in the wrong part of the world. Glad you kept yours though!
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    he didn't just leave, he deleted the code from our computers and closed the repository. no code, no need for devs
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    @darksideofyay Whaaaat... did he out of spite?
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    @Sabro it's a long story and tbh i'm on his side... the company "bought" his platform and promised him partnership, but he was waiting for a contract for too long, and when he asked about the partnership they said that he was mistaken and that he was only getting 5% of the income from the platform... and it was the plan to make it free since last year, so he was getting 5% of nothing. it was kinda shitty to leave without explaining, but after i understood what was going on i told him to take what he could and sue them
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