
To this day I still don't know how the hell Nvidia makes some of the most powerful graphics cards available, yet manages to somehow also write the shittiest software among them. Somehow not only their control panel application takes an eternity to start, their context menu option makes that run like trash, and even Windows Explorer doesn't go unaffected.

But the solution as always: throw more hardware at it. Maybe that's why they make such powerful cards.

  • 11
    They hire circuit engineers, not programmers.
  • 11
    Don't forget their linux-driver. That's a special kind of disappointing.
  • 5
    Don't forget mandatory login on GeForce
  • 1
    @noogli shark lasers helps with mandatory login 😉
  • 4
    @metamourge yeah it is. It's depressing
  • 1
    @noogli I think most people would just use some sort of small driver notifier app that checks nvidia driver pages, if they knew what type of driver they are running, since there's now two kind, one of which fucks your shit until you geforce experience fix it lol
  • 2
    @Root is right on the money. And why wouldn't they?

    The tech media just care about raw performance. Benchmark graphs, framerates in the popular games, render times, etc. - that's what goes into their score, and that's what encourages consumers to buy (or not, of course.) Good UI in their driver software doesn't even get a mention, so why would they invest anything more than the bear minimum in it?
  • 3
    All hardware companies are like that.
    Have you tried ANY motherboard software from original vendor ? The “Cool looking OC panels” ? Lol
    It is always shitty.
    My guess : They care about functionality and not at all about user experience. Which is wrong.
  • 1
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