DigitalOcean have given me heaps of free credit for hosting open source projects / things related to open source projects over the years. They've also given free hosting to various charities I know. Seem like a bunch of genuinely good people.

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    They just want you to put their logo on the website for basically free ads
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    @Linux A few hundred dollars in credit for a tiny logo on a site that's barely visited by anyone? I don't think I'm getting the raw end of the deal there.

    In the case of the charity, they didn't even require that.
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    Few hundred dollars in credit, but the actual cost for them is much much lower.
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    @Linux Course it is. I'm not sure that changes anything, though.
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    @Linux I fail to see how. No-one in their right mind thinks it costs DO any more than a fraction of that amount to actually run the services I consume. It's the value to *me* that's important.

    The point is, if I *didn't* have that available to me, I'd have to spent a comarable amount of money elsewhere. I could try to sell an ad on the site and use that money to pay for something else of course, but with the amount of traffic I have, it wouldn't even come close. Pennies a month, if that.
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    @AlmondSauce That’s pretty cool dude! Out of curiosity, how did you get such a sweet deal? Did you reach out to them or did they reach out to you?
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    @FelisPhasma I reached out to them and asked if they could help.
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    And there we have it, you have nothing but good things to say about them, and if developers like you says likewhise - then other will listen to them and start using DO because "other said so".

    They get high reputation by helping opensource/Free software project like yours.
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