
I don’t like conference wifi. I‘m currently in a workshop at AngularConnect, and currently more than 40 people trying to npm install at the same time. And probably the people in the other workshops (with the same wifi) doing similar things

  • 2
    40 people running npm install? What are you guys doing there, want to implode space-time continuum? 🤔
  • 1
    The speaker of the workshop has given us a task, and we had to run npm install for it. But I think that the space-time continuum is in fact broken now
  • 2
    @sumafu you'd like to think that a speaker at an Angular conference would realise that getting 40 people to do npm install at the same time is not the greatest idea.
  • 0
    @nibor Yeah, he said that also, but the (optional) tasks unfortunately required it. But my laptop didn’t made even one successful npm install after several tries.
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