
I never dream about tech (at least not specific) but recently I had a dream rotating around the fact that terminators (e.g. T-800) are safe to be stored on Windows 95 as they can only boot from NES cartridge.

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    Imagine being locked up in a media that you can't control. Must feel awful!

    PS: Quick question, would you happened to be French? Because I don't think the expression "tourner autour" really exists in English.
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    @Jilano Actually not, I speak German. For some reason this was in my brain as a valid expression.
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    @possum Haha! No worries
    It's one of the best things with speaking more than one language. You make your own thing!
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    @Jilano Absolument
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    @Jilano and then the ape came out of the sleeve
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