So basically the zuccs Libra will have an option on Instagram on each account for you to donate however much you want

This would basically replace patreon and all gofundme donating systems

It would also replace payment services such as paypal stripe cashapp etc

Since everything can be done on instagram


  • 9
    > Entrusting Facebook with control of monetary policy
    We're basically begging for extinction at this point
  • 1
    Well for starters I wouldn't trust Facebook with the information or access to my money. And second, I don't have an Instagram account (I'm sure one is automatically created with a Facebook account now but I've never used it). So while it could be convenient for a lot of people, it wouldn't cover everyone and would have plenty of people who prefer another service.
  • 2
    > Premium instragram with feet pics
  • 2

    I'm already annoyed that I have to have a FB account to keep abreast of happenings in my community, because my neighbors are so bad at technology that the whole town is on FB instead of something that uhhh doesn't suck. I'm going to be mad if they usurp gofundme and patreon, almost certainly to the point where the people I would otherwise be funding will lose money.
  • 3
    You're just forgetting that not everyone has an Instagram account and that not everyone wants one either (me)
  • 1
    There's more than Instagram, you know?
  • 4
    Scary as fuck.

    To Facebook it's all about that data. And that money. And that control. They have seriously never not abused anything and everything they could.
  • 0
    @gudishvibes I mostly use Signal and a self hosted Rocket chat instance :)
  • 3
    @gudishvibes don't forget the billion other times they've been caught with their pants down, "accidentally" leaking user data, or outright selling it illegally
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