Anyone else here that, if working on a challenging problem, just needs silence (rather than music or background noise?) Seems to be an increasingly rare thing, especially with younger folk.

If I'm just doing boilerplate coding / something not too challenging I can work with whatever. If I really need to think however - I do that way better with no auditory distraction.

  • 2
    I'm with you. I can only really focus on one thing at a time, and music tends to be mentally invasive. I actually listen to very little music these days, because silence is such a nice thing.
  • 3
    Putting on headphones with or without music is really about focusing on coding and not being distracted by my environment or coworkers. Also people don't try to talk to you when you have headphones on.
  • 1
    Am with you on that, but the open office plan pretty much destroyed any hope of quiet thinking space...
  • 1
    every day I am fighting my urge to murder people having discussions around my desk
  • 1
    I 100% agree, I dislike thay it's actually impossible to have a silent environment at work.
  • 1
    I discovered the British comedy radio show a few years ago on internet radio, each time I have an issue that needs real concentration I switch that one...its weird, but it works.
  • 1
    To me, music with talking/singing is most distracting.
  • 0
    @Nanos I'd love to try that!

    Pure focus activate!
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