"We care about your privacy [...]"

That's why we make it ultra inconvenient to turn off all of our advertising trackers and give you a broken list of on/off sliders that are slow as fuck. Also, why not just press the 'accept all' at the top of the page? See that big green button? Yeah green is good let's just press it and get this over with right?

Oh and that 'deny all' button? Yeah, a shame nobody actually put some programming into that thing, why not just press the green button next to it? You're only making it harder for yourself y'know...

  • 6
    Hahaha, this. And people wonder why I'm so privacy conscious...
  • 1
    I love especially those green check all and accept buttons, where nothing is checked at first (what is what I want). You press the green button and it checks all and accepts the screen. Lufthansa does this in their app
  • 1
    But at least there was a judgment by the EU that this kind of misdirection isn't allowed. I already see the law suits flooding in
  • 1
    Yeah, all it says is "You're either going to give us your location, cookies, and all the metadata you have on yourself, or you can fuck right off" -_-

    I just started leaving those pages now, Im not interested in your stupid article anymore, if the author wants their article to be read they better change outlets
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