tldr; Finally my NordVPN subscription comes to an end so I was looking at other VPN providers and I chose Mullvad. So far, it is an amazing experience.

It has been 2 years since I was using NordVPN. It was great at first but soon first problems started to appear. Speeds were not exactly breathtaking and I barely sqeezed more than 40Mb out of it. Another problem was connecting from PC to PC on local network with both of them connected to VPN. I never found a working solution.
Then Tefincom started pushing it literally everywhere. Ads on YouTube (+ partnerships), fake websites redirecting to NordVPN, etc. That was when I decided to just fucking wait until my subscription ends so I can finally delete my account there...
Today is the day. I decided to go Mullvad because it seemed to be really privacy focused (don't kill me - I know I can't have *real* privacy with VPN, but you also can't have that with your own VPN) - they don't know anything about me, no email, no name, no payment data (Bitcoin Cash). Speeds are absolutely f*cking amazing and also local network works!

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    Ill just repeat the reasons:
    - it was too slow (<5MB/s)
    - VPN changes the local network once truned on
    - they started putting up ads on Youtube

    Does anybody else think this is bananas?
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    Why soes not lan work? Are routes all set correctly? Are tun devices in use when accessing lan, or the default eth devices?
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    @netikras LAN is now working with Mullvad, but a bit of clarification. Maybe it wasn't all NordVPN's fault that local network was not working, maybe I just made some mistakes setting it up (my Linux networking knowledge is a bit limited). I am not very sure tho, because their support told me it is not possible to access PC with VPN enabled, only the other way around.
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    @Pyjong How can I trust someone, who is using every possible way to promote themselves including scam / fake sites?
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    My personal favorite is windscribe. The price is decent + you can get dedicated ips with port forwarding. If anyone is looking for a VPN, I would definitely recommend trying windscribe (I think they give you 15gb to try)
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    @lamka02sk what if your current provider is just more cunning and more evil? Anyway, even if it's bcos you like their logo better you should have it.
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    @tman540 I have a free 50gb/month plan windscribe handed out at some point. It works quite well when I use it (rarely) from home to bypass a geoblock (mostly zippyshare), but I consider them very unprofessional especially in marketing. Just have a look at their newsletter.
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    @saucyatom have you seen discords marketing? I don't think they're aiming at the professional/enterprise market.
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    @tman540 Fortunately not, I tend to stay away from marketing bullshit / ads as far as possible. It's like they want to push me away with it, but if that is what sells today, alright. I feel that (generally) most ads to me are rather creating despise than anything else, but I guess I'm weird.
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    @saucyatom That means you're one of the people who actually thinks about marketing materials rather than just absorbing them passively. In my experience, the best way to resist advertising is to actually analyze what it's actually saying. Often it's quite silly, and sometimes it's totally irrelevant. I usually don't waste my time, though, because not having spare money is also effective, and that's my default defense.
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    I just signed up with mullvad. More for avoiding censorship than for privacy. I'll see how far I get with it, but so far it did connect in China (though not to all of the servers). Hopefully it stays that way.
    Reasons for mullvad? One of the very few commercial VPN providers which are not shady and trying to lure customers in with questionable business practices (Nord *ahem*).

    @lamka02sk your LAN issue is probably be a misconfiguration. Usually traffic in private ranges shouldn't be routed to the VPN (in this use case). What they meant was provably that there is no port forwarding, so establishing a connection from the outside to your computer (through the VPN) won't be possible.
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