
We're using Angular in the shittiest possible way.

It's wrapped in .NET, the code follows no standards and we lack any sort of component hotload functionality with _fat_ data.

When I change a SCSS style, the whole page reloads and it takes me 15 minutes to get back to the state I was in to say "Hmm, more to the left."

I hope this place burns to the ground.

  • 4
    Then first do the changes in the browser and copy them over at once.
  • 2
    @Codex404 I ended up taking this approach after getting mad only to realize the base classes override all my styles. Confused, I looked into why.
    The answer is !important used all over the base class.

    Web devs didn't make this shit omg
  • 1
    Off topic, but you could use chrome devtools to change the css rules.

    I know that won't solve everything, but at least changing styes won't suck that much.
  • 0
    Or you could improve how that reload works :)
  • 0
    Just use Browser Link in Visual studio: No refresh of page necessary.
    And yes, it works with SCSS
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