
Docker newbie question

Does anyone have any insight on how to rclone mount a drive , and map a volume to it for persistent storage?

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    @refi64 I'm a total newbie, and yes I did try that but my app container doesn't seem work, it writes some files then seems like it gets stuck. Thanks anyhow!
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    @refi64 So I'm running nginx with mariadb and nginx as a reverse proxy. If I set the volumes to be nextcloud:/var/www/html it works fine. The moment I change the volume to point to my mounted rclone /mnt/nextcloud_mount/nextcloud:/var/www/html it stops working. It looks as if only part of the nextcloud directory is generated (when comparing to the default volume). Same sort of thing seems to happen with nginx. I can give you my docker-compose.yml if you think that will help?
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    @refi64 Alright so I just tried restarting the docker daemon, no luck :(

    I also exex'd into the container, and I can see my rclone mount. Permissions look okay, I really don't understand what's wrong.

    I appreciate your help anyways!
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    Here is inside the container
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    @refi64 Fair enough, thanks anyways! :D
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