
Should I Price my addition to a paid software?
I Ranted about a program that was unfinnished and began writing a sample software that the programmer can use. With the recent update he placed his quote to HQ in the same Dropbox folder as the .exe,
Should I Share the code or Should i charge him?

  • 3
    Get a royalty agreement in place
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    @Plasticnova How do I do it now, The company baught the source code and handed it to me to maintain, The original programmer has 1 foot in the grave, how should i structure the fees?
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    @Juicer from the sounds of it your options are probably pretty limited. If you’re comfortable with maintaining it I guess you could work out some kind of monthly retainer agreement. Set a day rate for your services (don’t bother with hourly, charge by the day), and offer a block of time each month to be covered by that non refundable retainer. Work done beyond that can just be given as your day rate. This is just a suggestion mind you
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    Thank you for the advice.
    I forgot to say I am also an employee of the company.
  • 0
    @Juicer you tend to leave out important details
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