There's this huuuge project I was a part of for half a year. I was kicked off along with a few dozens of other devs (>60% of total manpower) a while ago for particular company reasons.

Now the remaining devs are oh-so-enjoying their time there..

1. workload has not changed
2. deadlines have not changed
3. no one will have Christmas-NewYear vacation
4. a new k8s-based infra is scheduled to roll out to PROD on Dec 23 (k8s is still far from ready - might need a few more months)

The most fun part is that it's not client's mgmt who has decided for #4 -- it's our own....

Boys.. Girls.. Save yourselves.

  • 0
    What the hell 😂😂
  • 1
    Great strategy to lose the other 40% of manpower, too.
    That wasn't the goal? Whoops...
  • 1
    Seriously, they are idiots if they decide to stay under those conditions.

    Shit depends on jurisdiction, true. Bet in China's 996.ICU culture it is not that easy to get a new employer the week after jumping of that sinking ship - at least not one that is not headed for the same iceberg.

    Still, in general devs do not have a hard time finding work.

    This sounds like a complete shitshow.
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