
Has anyone had experience with taking a 2009 MacBook Pro apart?

About to give mine a new lease on life by replacing thermal paste and battery but probably going to replace the wireless and Bluetooth card (with a working one) but noticed it is installed on the underside of the screen hinge (because that's a logical place other than connected to the main motherboard), just wanting to know if anyone can give recommendations to avoid fucking it irreversibly...

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    I'd search Louis Rossmann's website for an instruction video. But I don't know if there are only harder repairs.
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    Back when I had a 2012 MBP I did my maintenance with ifixit tutorials. Be careful with the screws (some might be easy to damage) and as well when cleaning the CPU and GPU (obviously!). Otherwise no big issues, but take your time.
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    @theKarlisK Problem isnt with soldering but with the parts and programing.
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    @theKarlisK Nah it dosent cover caps, resistors and jelly bean parts in general.
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