
Whoever's idea it was to fuck with the comments section in the YouTube app, your job title should be re-evaluated because you are a fuck up.

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    Who even reads those?
  • 1
    @drac94 I'll let you know the next time I want to read the brain droppings of random 12 year olds on the internet. 🙄
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    The comments have always been broken in one way or another. Nowadays YouTube even duplicates all line breaks when you write a comment. I mean this isn't some super complicated bug, it can be reproduced every fucking time and yet still wasn't fixed in half a year or so.
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    @M1sf3t Moved the position from being at the bottom of related videos to above, and only for certain channels it seems.

    Hard to fix muscle memory once it's there.
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    @Root Not all videos are about fortnite
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