  • 1
    She/He is completely right.
  • 2
    This person has good things to say, even if (a few posts down) they fall victim to a misunderstanding of the reasons France was successfully invaded. History is a thing of mine, and the Maginot Line is often misunderstood. The French did plenty to defend the part behind their allies. The problem was most of their command structure wouldn't adapt to the situation and failed as a result. It wasn't that they fell for a minor diversion as implied in the post.
  • 1
    Nice read. But completely overreacting.
    Are companies more secure today than 8 years ago ? On technical level : YES. And he is wrong to say otherwise.

    But on human level : Hell no ! People are still clicking link in spam emails. People are still using passwords like “Canada2019” or “MyNameMyBirthday”. People are sharing their accounts. MANY C-Levels (Ceo, cto etc) refuse to use double authentication because “It’s adds too much overhead and I need my mails asap”
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