
A function that I has had fucking 0 problems now fucking has one and all I did to it was ADD FUCKING COMMENTS TO SOME OF THE LINES. IT WORKS APPARENTLY BUT ITS ONLY JUST NOW STARTING TO SHOW THAT ERROR

  • 7
    Nvm I’m dumb
  • 3
    @Bubbles it happens sometimes!
  • 2
    @Bubbles that comment block went to far didn't it?
  • 0
    @essi the issue is caused by something I added to safely close any connection after it’s done doing its thing. It works just as expected but when it closes it triggers an error that im pretty sure only exists to annoy me
  • 1
    @C0D4 for 15 mins I thought that the comments were actually somehow fucking breaking it. I felt like having a stroke. Actually I still like having a stroke.
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