
I'm curious to know how lucrative it is for the people operating those 0-points accounts to post spam comments on this kind of a platform. I don't know the exact numbers of course but I have to think looking for change in your couch cushions is a better return on investment.

  • 0
    Ranting about devrant?
    Use devrant tag pls.
  • 3
    It's exceptially profitable at scale and depending on who you are working for.

    Shill farms for just about every economically important policy, agenda, or question, set up bot networks that create and build up accounts on young new social media sites, and then grow those accounts as the sites goes.

    Because cycles and storage are cheaper then people, it's a pretty low cost investment.

    And if even a fraction of the sites they build networks on end up making it big, theres always someone willing to buy bot support, upvotes, accounts, push policy, etc.

    So yes, theres money.

    For reference: One of the few things I'm apparently competent at is writing bots.
  • 3
    @Gregozor2121 the rant is about spam in general, and I use devRant as an example. No devRant tag needed.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack very interesting. My assumption was about users here or on whatever platform it is clicking on their links and then giving them money directly somehow either from buying whatever literal product they are selling or handing over their credit cards through a phishing scheme of some kind. That, I can't imagine is very lucrative on a place like devRant or similar when the average user base has a certain degree of intelligence to see through that.

    But, what you are describing is more like boosting numbers in any form like clicks or visits or search engine relevancy through link-backs, etc, is that right? That's probably their main motivation? I hadn't thought about it from that angle.
  • 2
    "My assumption was about users here or on whatever platform it is clicking on their links and then giving them money directly"

    Mostly sites that overuse Ads have their own bots clicking the sites ads.

    Some of them use their 'ad revenue' and botclicks to launder money. I am not, and never have been, personally involved in this side of the bot business, or any illegal business for that matter.
  • 0
    "than" not "then", doh!
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