Nothing more secure than have 36 character length passwords mixing any kind of character in them and have them in a txt file inside my docs folder 🤯🤯🤫

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    If you do it like that you simple need to change the key every day or hour. I would recommend after it was used anywhere to login. Password leeks are no problem like this.
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    @p100sch what do you suggest?
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    @Root I'll search
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    @bettoisc I second @Root's recommendation.
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    @Root have you used LastPass?
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    @bettoisc Yes. Not a fan of it.
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    @Root Do you have any reason for that? Maybe something I don't know.
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    @bettoisc I guess the downside of Lastpass is, that you give your passwords to a cloud provider, where as Keepass(X(C)) is just a local file and you are responsible for synchronisation, if that is what you want.
    By the way, for KeepassXC (and other Keepass variants) there do exist browser extensions, like there is one for Lastpass.
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    @sbiewald thanks for your explication, it's sad to can't press many time ++
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    @sbiewald Do you have specific use cases where the extension is better than the embedded autotype feature?
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    @Jilano when you do not want to explicit switch between applications or automatically want to add new credentials to the manager.
    Mostly convenience, not more.
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    @sbiewald Okay, makes sense, thank you

    I'd rather create my entries manually to be sure it's exactly as intended, which explain why I have no use for the extension.
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    @bettoisc I'm not a fan of trusting someone else eith my credentials db, encrypted or not. I'm also not a fan of needing to pay (and have an active internet connection) in order to access them, nor seeing them in cleartext in a browser.

    Keepassxc, cron, and scp for me!
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