
Finally getting my first certificate in Udacity , which is a website where you can have courses in coding 🚢🏻‍β™€οΈπŸ’•...
In order to get it I had to first learn the lessons there and then do a final project which involves all the things I learned which was HTML and CSS in making and designing websites in browsers πŸƒ

  • 1
    What a way to end this year!
  • 5
    wait a second

    Full stack?

    you mainly mention frontend...
  • 5
    Doesn't sound like full stack
  • 4
    So if I edit your name with my name, I got the same certificate as yours right?
  • 0
    so to recap:

    - whatever course you took, it might be mislabeled.
    - online certificates are useless, because the names can easily be changed.
  • 6
    @kescherRant no, because

    1. It says full stack development track. That usually means a bunch of courses or sections, this is probably just one of them.

    2. They give you a unique url with the certificate thing. That's not easy to fake. By your logic even degree certificates are useless because I can photoshop my name onto pretty much anything, but that's clearly not true. (Yes they can be faked, but that doesn't make them worthless)
  • 2
  • 1
    Share your final project public git repo
    Let's devrent community certify you

  • 3
    How much did it cost?
  • 1
    Congrats!!! (don’t listen to the haters)

    May I suggest Free Code Camp?

    It totally free but a lot of hours but you get to work on real projects after the tutorials.
  • 3
    @katbreitin #promotion #markting

    Sites to get an Internship

    1. LinkedIn
    2. Indeed
    3. Internships
    4. Glassdoor
    5. Idealist
    6. Absolute Internship
    7. LookSharp
    8. Intern Queen
    9. Internship Programs
    10. Alma Mater

    Top 10 Sites for your Job Search

    1. Indeed
    2. LinkedIn
    3. Dice
    4. Glassdoor
    5. Idealist
    6. Career Builder
    7. LinkUp
    8. Google for Jobs
    9. Monster
    10. US Jobs

    Top Sites to Learn Tech Skills

    1. Treehouse
    2. Khan Academy
    3. Code School
    4. EDX
    5. CourseEra
    6. CodeWars
    7. FreeCodeCamp
    8. GitHub
    9. The Odin Project
    10. MIT OpenCourseWare

    Sites for Free Online Education

    1. Udacity ( you already aware)
    2. Code Avengers
    3. David Walsh Blog
    4. Tuts+
    5. SitePoint
    6. HTML5 Rocks
    7. Hack.Pledge()
    8. Agupieware
    9. Crunchzilla
    10. Dash General Assembly
    11. CodeAcademy
    12. Infinite Skills
    13. Lynda
    14. CodeHS
    15. Udemy
  • 1
    @kescherRant @oddmemtius
    Free for me you can check it out
  • 0
    @katbreitin sound awesome I will definitely try out !!
    Thanks πŸ’•πŸ˜ƒ
  • 0
    @0fffh Wow! Thx ! That is so helpful πŸ™ˆπŸ’•πŸ’•
  • 0
    Yep it says in full stack that I will learn front end and python ..
  • 1
    @Ayotii Wait just Python? hmm
  • 0
    @kescherRant and front end which involves html and css.
  • 1
    Honestly, there's much more to fullstack than html and css with python, lul
  • 1
    @Ayotii could you kindly share the link would love to check it out thanks
  • 0
    Well it’s www.udacity.com , I hope that helps and I really recommend it
  • 0
    Congratulations Ayah!
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