
Me: ill use media queries to make our site responsive (site is not responsive before i got here)
Me: code ...
Me: code ...
Me: done, created a PR
Senior: review... removes all the code and media queries and said. We dont have to use media queries because bootstrap is already responsive.

- BULLSHIT! We still need media queries!!!!!

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    I'm not a good front end developer but I never managed to make full responsive page without media query tbh, not sure if my skills are bad or it really can't be done without them
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    @gitpush it depends on the app bro. You can do it without media queries depending on the design but usually for big apps you need media queries. But the director of engineering said that he doesn’t care about below tablet size and my senior wants me to make it responsive for 980px and up without media queries. Im questioning his seniority now.
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    Of course this "senior" is clueless with regard to CSS (and HTML). Otherwise, he wouldn't have let that Bootstrap abomination creep in to begin with.
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    @Fast-Nop brooooo i wanted to say that. I think he doesn’t. But since im a junior here im trying to find away. Im reading bootstrap 4 flex. #helpme
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    @r2d2 Well you can at least learn how not to do it. Polluting the markup with presentational classes is not how CSS was meant.

    It's what people have made of it who have never stopped yearning for the bad old days of HTML 3 (I was there back then).

    The whole idea of a CSS framework doesn't even make sense.
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    @Fast-Nop i guess his not that senior after all. Lols. its just sad that my code got deleted. It was clean implementation i had a folder breakpoint-devices and just imported it on the component css file then from there i can use mixins. And i think they dont know how to use scss. 🤦🏻‍♂️
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    Bootstrap is responsive and it works well if you use it as intended.

    You may argue that the overhead and leg work required to update every class in the app is very time consuming if it can be solved by adding an elegant media query block of code.

    However if most of the app is already implementing bootstrap, changing or adding some classes is the right way to go about it and keep your code consistent.

    @Fast-Nop I beg to disagree. CSS frameworks absolutely make sense and the most common ones (scss and less) are being used by every company web app I've ever worked on (since around 2013). I mean, havent you found variables and nesting useful? Especially when you want to allow themes for your app.

    I remember the hell it was in the pre-CSS frameworks days. How annoying was looking up HEX color maps to stay consistent with colors in the app. Imagine the horror of using the old ways today, with all the transitions, transformations, etc..
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    @bioDan If you have more than 32k CSS minified, you're doing something wrong anyway. You don't need frameworks for so little code. Plus that you obviously don't even realise what CSS is for if you embrace the abuse of presentational classes.
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    @Fast-Nop what do you mean by "you don't even realise what its for"?

    Who said anything about a 32K minified CSS file anyway?

    Frameworks is exactly what makes you use write so little code instead of the damn repetitive manner of declaring and writing everything from scratch.

    But i think youre trying to argue about design patterns rather than the capabilities. Its a matter of opinion so i don't really care.

    Good luck making a cross device web app without any CSS frameworks. Its simply not scalable.
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    @bioDan That you don't even know what HTML is for if you embrace the presentational stuff leaking into HTML via presentational class names. That flawed methodology is no different from font and center tags in HTML 3 which we got rid of 20 years ago.

    You write MORE code, you have MORE divs, and of course DOM traversal also gets slow. This isn't speeding you up, it's slowing you down, especially if you don't want to write the umpteenth "every fucking Bootstrap website ever": https://www.dagusa.com/

    You don't need to look any further than at the steaming pile of crap that is the Bootstrap homepage itself.
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    @bioDan I get what your coming from and im not disregarding the bootstrap. It has uses but for large apps and custom themes it’s easier to use media queries with scss than making it responsive thru bootstrap. The part that youll use bootstrap for everything is bs.
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    And also, as I use to say, given the totally broken state of the average website even before ads and tracking, which are marketing's fault, the average web dev has no idea what he's doing and therefore likely to make bad choices throughout the board - so widespread use is meaningless.

    If e.g. pilots were as incompetent in their trade, they would routinely run aircraft into the ground. Or architects would make buildings so that it's normal when they collapse just by themselves. Emergency ambulance could as well be painted in black because the difference to undertakers would be minor.

    The whole web dev industry is filled to capacity with con artists whose main skill is gulling unsuspecting customers into accepting badly made trash.
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    @Fast-Nop funny website, I share the sentiment. But I'm talking about web apps (a.k.a SaaS), not web pages.

    It's not the same thing. Web pages serve primarily as information or marketing targets of a business. Web apps serve as the core business.
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    @bioDan Well I'll give you a point in that web apps are somewhat different - but OOCSS, which Bootstrap is based on, will still lead to an unmaintainable and bloated mess. Which is why you see !important so often in real world usage after a few iterations with that approach.
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    @r2d2 there are many cases you are right. It depends on the code and how its maintained because it can quickly become spaghetti-code.

    That's why I said, that if the app is already mostly bootstrap, you should get along with the program UNLESS you truly have an elegant solution that is more time efficient and easily maintainable.
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    Also if as your app grew larger you’ll definitely override some of the bootstrap functionality this shit will get ugly over time. If im gonna lead i wont use bootstrap ill just use preprocessor
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    @Fast-Nop yeah, there are many good solutions out there and you don't really need to use bootstrap.
    I bet you can find bloat and spaghetti in every big app.
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    @Fast-Nop yoo my senior is like con-artist man. He copy paste a code from a gem to override its functionality instead of adding a decorator like what the documentation said. Hahaha
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    @bioDan Yeah that's a good point - while I think Bootstrap is already a mess, it's at least one that many devs know. Adding in custom modifications would make it even an unkown mess to subsequent devs. Plus that it would break easy future update paths for Bootstrap.
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    @bioDan dude@Fast-Nop yup! I agree. We have a !important just to overide shit.
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    @r2d2 at the end of the day its just a framework, if it has no justification to be there then it shouldn't be.

    But I'm guessing you don't want to refactor all that code, or do you? You gotta work with what you have man. Make the best out of it!
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    @bioDan but dude i cant work with what’s already there. How can i make the modal responsive with fixed sized? Thats the problem with this so called senior who has junior mindset. If theyd let me add media queries and use scss with it this shits done 4hours ago.
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    @bioDan i just dont want to touch the bootstrap side of it because its hard to make it responsive using it. The modal footer will covered by a small screen. What i dont understand is how is my senior not make me use of media queries.
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    @r2d2 well then, present the case to your seniors. You will see that if you "ask for help" and somehow sneak your solution, they will go along because from what you're sharing its the logical thing to do.

    Go bother them a bit, they deserve it.
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    @bioDan broo i did. I even asked how would you make this responsive when you already set a specific size. He said use bootstrap grid system. Almost choke from my own gum bro.
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    Eww bootstrap.
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    @hashedram ikr? Hahahahaha
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