Yet another?

  • 2
    Have you tried the so called

    JavaScript drinking game?
    You'll like it.

    This just reminded me of it
  • 9
    You mean,
    picking a random word,
    Append ".js" to it,
    If it exists, down a shot?
  • 4
    @metamourge indeed my friend
  • 7
    @metamourge @Ranchu isn't that just asking for alcohol poisoning? Lol
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD more like demanding! :-p
  • 1

    *Clears throat*

    Nooo of course not
  • 0
    I swear that before I joined this subreddit I didn't know there were that much new languages coming out… And that these new languages are so relevant that I'm glad I didn't know !

    Random fact: one of the only new languages advertised in this subreddit that actually grabbed my attention was talked about by a new teacher as he worked in the department of the research center that developed it. I really didn't expect that.
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