
Was that a good idea to use unicode symbols in a terminal UI application?

I thought that it'd be okay since TUI library is using unicode for drawing borders. But I'm not sure.

What do you guys say?

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    Will all of your users have a font that works with these symbols?
  • 2
    Lol you never used npm, webpack, yarn, vue or react, eh?
  • 1
    @gronostaj TUI is pretty much unusable if the required font doesn't exist. So, they have to.

    @nitwhiz yes, sir. How's that relevant?
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    P.S: Most of the unicode characters require NotoSans or DejaVu.
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    @orhun not noto mono?
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    @stop yeah that one too. I'm looking at a big `fc-match` output rn.
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    @orhun they all don't give a singular fuck if you support emojis or symbols, they throw them everywhere.
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    As long as your system can encode it correctly, why not? Use a good font and you are fine

    Using plan9 here and laughing. Utf8 everywhere, so no encoding problems etc.
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