The one that got me to my current employment. I was working as a sysadmin and was trying to switch to dev. I'd tried one interview in another company and failed it miserably. I was soooo nervous I was literally shaking. And I think I failed every possible dev question. Ffs I couldn't even remember how to swap 2 variables! Yes, I was THAT nervous. Bcz I needed that spot so much.

After that I decided to cool down for a few weeks. Then my current employer's hr reached out and asked to come over. I did. We had a chat with HR and they told me I'll be asked to do a homework task. Surely I was okay with it! They sent me the task via email, but smth [I don't recall what] happened at my sysadmin work and I was extremely short on time. I missed the homework due date ofc. A few days later they reached out to me and gave me another week. I missed that too. Again I got a call from them and I was asked what was the problem. I explained I don't have time atm and mentioned that it might be better to skip this oppurtunity for me. That it might be bettet for them to hire someone else.

To my surprise they did not back off. They kept talking, one thing led to another and somehow they made me commit to arrive to their office to do the homework task.

I was startled. I would have bailed on me if I were them... They didn't..

They didn't give up on me
they are amazing

  • 3
    They must have really liked you! Great outcome for you in the end
  • 1
    Not to sound like an asshole but it sounds like maybe they were having issues finding other candidates. Either that or they are INCREDIBLY understanding
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm truth be told I'm still scratching my head trying to understand why they did that.. Yeah, lack of other candidates is a viable possibility. But.. Struggling to find a junior..,.? Really...?

    Sounds both unlikely and the most likely at the same time to me 😁
  • 1
    @netikras depends on where you live and how much of a hassle the recruiting process is at that workplace. Places without proper HR need to handle the hiring process all on their own and it can be exhausting.
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