I was just watching a web series on X: the generation that changed the world, and damn!! Those X-ers (people born b/w 1961-1981 ) have really made changes that disrupted the whole world! Comparing to them, i feel like we millennials haven't made anything *that* disruptive.

- calculators happened which evolved to computers and then began a crave for knowledge and technology
- Netscape gave a new use to computers
- Tim Berners lee ,napster disrupted the way of sharing data.
- Google changed the way of searching.
- Amazon gave the true business value to internet.
- The revolution of music , hip hop and television.
- ...
(And these are just the first 2 episodes!)

Btw what do we millennials bachieved? Tiktok, heartbreaks, and porn fetishes :/

  • 7
    Yeah they also created the millennials so they could use and abuse them by making them brand bitches so they spend as much as they can (money and time) on services/things they offered/invented.
  • 2
    @PublicByte ok boomer.
  • 0
    So get back to thr bloody lab and discover something already!
  • 1
    millenials and 90's kid did do some things

    - revolusionize the way people interact (social medias)
    - change the way people see their interactions with the environment.

    Also it's normal that, proportionnally, more things have been done by a generation that's been there for longer. It's hard to innovate when you're still in highschool
  • 3
    Sounds like some liberties are taken here, doesn't take away the overall point, but still like to address them.
    The Unix system was around from 1971, don't think 10 year old or younger made it, so calculators and computers before they entered the scene.
    Berners Lee was born 1955, so not a gen x-er.
    Revolution of music? Isn't that always in motion?
    Television, well, new platform thus easier to innovate, wouldn't be surprised if similar jumps on youtube video productions and such, because new platform.
  • 2
    Millennials invented avocado toasts and gendered toilets.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop And honestly, looking at that list, avocado toast has made the biggest impact on my life.

    Well, maybe tied with holiday shopping online at home in my underwear...
  • 3
    Hey now, you forgot hipsterism and react.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested I wanted to keep it balanced, and with these two items, I would have needed to come up with something useful beside avocado toasts. ^^
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