
Object Oriented Programming in PHP

  • 1
    this is getting old man
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    @orijin this is getting addictive
  • 2
    @orijin idk... I'm not a php guy but I just don't think there can be that much to get worked up about either way when it comes to php.

    I understand if you're a php developer and you feel disrespected, but honestly I think it's a bit hilarious that someone would get so mad about php as OP. It's almost as though to me someone had strong opinions on a particular processor architecture (try reading all of his gifs as being about Intel's Westmere architecture)
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    @lig1: maybe you've said elsewhere here, but what is it specifically about php that drives you nuts?
  • 2
    @ReturnVoid i'm not worked up on him bashing on php 😊

    what bothers me is that he's using devRant as 9gag
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