How comes that people can write such fucking shitty code?

Because I mean, why the hell would I want a progress indicator while the form is loading?

Actually, let's just not disable the form while it's loading. Let the user get mad when it's data's overwritten.

And best of all. Let's use inconsistent naming and fucking metadata tables so that we don't have any structure and make queries slow.

Yes. I fucking love incompetent consultants. Fucking love them. Good thing he never got hired...

  • 1
    Who the fuck in this day and time can't do a basic data-driven UI, it literary takes 5 seconds to write something like "if data render form else render spinner"? It's a fucking cornerstone of every single UI framework in the past 10 years, for fucks sake! And that guy is supposed to be a consultant?
  • 1
    @hitko Yeah... We ended his contract asap
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