Does anyone know any algorithms for generating crop circles?
I would Google it but "crop circle codes" doesn't exactly give me what i want.

  • 6
    Pick a math function, plot it in a circle instead of a line.

    Also, plot something on a 2d plot then "crop" it with a circle. Crop circle.
  • 8
    Algorithm you say? Moonshine + a brisk walk through a corn field should do just fine
  • 4
    This makes me want to plot a sine in a circle that matches up correctly for a full revolution. Is this some kind of circular harmonic? It has to be based upon PI somehow. This is going to bug me...
  • 2
    Not only an excellent algorithm, but also generative!
  • 2
    Damn you @skyjoe66! Now I am thinking a feedback loop that calculates the phase error after a full revolution. So I will pick the distance from origin. The phase feedback will adjust the frequency until the phase error is below a certain discernible amount.
  • 0
    @Demolishun or you could adjust the ratio between the function and where it's plotted on the circumference until a certain threshold is met. Or depending on the function you can search for a local minimum
  • 5
    I regret my code
    Graphs should be linear
    or at least line-ier
  • 2
    @skyjoe66 What in the name of fuck.
  • 3
  • 2
    @Demolishun I'm not sure what you mean, but you can parametrize a circle in R^2 cartesian coordinates like so
    C := {(x, y) in R^2 such that [x = r sin(t), y = r cos(t), where r in R+ and t in [0, 2 Pi[}.
    Gosh I hate not having latex on my phone
  • 2
    Maybe not exactly what you want, but you could look into Apollonian Gaskets, aka circle within circles. That'd be a start!
  • 2
    @pipe thank you, i know I've seen this before but i didn't know its name :)
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