What do I need to sacrifice, to get a laptop with a beefy CPU and an AMD GPU?

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    Performance apparently:


    I searched: "asus radeon tuf" on amazon to find this. YMMV. Good luck.
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    Just out of curiosity, why AMD?
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    Ah, I've always been a little skeptical of that, since the hardware isn't also open source. Felt like they were librewashing their offering.
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    @SortOfTested I don't think complete OSS for the entire system will ever be realized. If you want innovation there needs to be risk/reward. Vendors develop new shit by taking risks to get a financial reward. Part of that risk is developing new techniques that are sometimes patent-able and sometimes not. Often in both cases the vendor chooses to hide the details as the math can be really innovative. Having the expectation that a vendor should give away this hard earned effort to competitors is unrealistic. Its not the code they are protecting, its the ideas for which there is no protection. Having the code can also reveal how the hardware functions. This whole idea that hardware vendors should "play their hand" for competitors is ridiculous.
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    Yeah, we're both on the same page there. It's the motive I questioned, I still remember how hard Hector Ruiz burned the customer base during his tenure and gave intel the market, and most of his reports are still in leadership positions.

    Either way, open software is good software.
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    It's gonna be big, heavy, and expensive.
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    @Demolishun While I'd agree with you two years ago, seeing how fast things evolve, I think this is going to change!

    While not everything is open source yet, the Pine64 products are coming very close. We just need dedicated people (of which I'm one but I lack the time and resources right now). Not everyone thinks the way you think, this is how we got here in the first place and continue to evolve.
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    @linuxxx I am tired of the unhackable devices out there. So having more ways to modify say my phone would be cool. In some ways I hope what you say brings us more hackable devices.
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    @Demolishun I think the LibreM5 and PinePhone (and PineTime) come very close to completely hackable devices!
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    Is it just me who only wants FOSS drivers because proprietary Linux drivers fucking suck?
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    Sort of. I just want drivers that work consistently. The implementation of that, I don't really care.
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    @SortOfTested Sadly most manufacturers consider three nerds in the attic Linux support.
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    Theirs nerds get an attic?! Spoiled assholes ;)
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    @SortOfTested In exchange for being treated like the most insignificant and expandable people in the dept.
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