sorry for fans, but SailsJS... it sucks

If your documentation doesn't have a search function i cant take it seriously.

Back to AdonisJS i go

  • 1
    So... you don't work with much 3rd party code then I take it?
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    Adonis is Node's version of Laravel which would be the closest thing to Rails. Sails lacks bad in documentation man. Adonis is really where it's at :D
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    @AleCx04 yeah i asked in the gitter chat where/if about the search function.

    they responded with "use google to search the url"
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    @AleCx04 documentation that doesn't have a search feature, that's like 99% of the code I deal with on any given day.

    AWS are a good example of search, but that's if they actually documented what you're looking for, I do enjoy finding that one method in the sdk you need with no description at all.

    Salesforce document everything, but it's usually high level details or when lucky a bare basic implementation which is unhelpful anyway.

    Most Libs for JS don't document anything beyond a simple "how to shove this in your code"

    Hence my "you mustn't use a lot of code", as it's rarely documented and contains a search feature that works better then [Google / insert search engine here]
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