
A Twitter API issue is allowing people to (once again) bootloop iPhones and iPads with the text parser. This was just submitted to Twitter's staff, I don't see anyone talking about it yet. Disable notifications or uninstall and use the mobile site.

  • 6
    Return faulty device to the store
  • 4
    Doesn't sound like Twitter's fault to me.
  • 1
    @electrineer @Shiggy Twitter allows \0 through their API, which triggers ít.
  • 6
    @Parzi than it definitely is not twitter's fault
  • 4
    Definitely not Twitter's fault. So much for security/safety on Apple devices.
  • 3
    "Oh no, we did not expect a zero-byte." *reboot*

    Is not a good way to handle such a thing. Gracefully handling exceptions to notifications would be to discard them at least.
  • 2
    Has anyone reproduced, got a proof-of-concept for literally any other mobile devices (read those who run non-Apple OSs)?
    Seems like an Apple issue to me.
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    @Berkmann18 as far as I know it's iOS-only.
  • 3
    iOS has a vulnerability that allows apps to bootloop the device. I fail to see how this is Twitter's fault.
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    @Lor-inc This reminds me of the SMS-lead forced reboot thing that discovered not too long ago on iOS (which I guess is the exact same issue here).
  • 1
    @Berkmann18 the SMS one was due to the fact that Arabic text, when characters are removed, can get *longer*. This is due to a 00h byte in the middle of the text, and I don't yet know what that does to Apple devices.
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    Isn't iOS supposed to be sandboxed?
  • 1
    @Parzi So a related problem (re. \0 causing iOS to go mad).
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