

Mike Bloomberg using memes to try and advertise on Instagram is the biggest "ok boomer" moment I have ever witnessed.

  • 0
    Seeing his memes is pretty great, but seeing lampoons of his memes are why he has my vote.
  • 3
    Kind of like how he thinks rebranding himself as, "Mike," will somehow ingratiate himself to young voters.
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    I have very little confidence in the ability of the Democratic party to abide by the will of the people. My only hope is that Bloomberg doesn't run an independent campaign and leech votes.
  • 4
    I'm salty I missed the opportunity for a once in a lifetime pun.

    Instead of ok boomer.... Ok bloomer. Ba dum tsss

    I'll be here till midnight signing autographs
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    @M1sf3t I'm willing to bet someone already has
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    @M1sf3t I think the powers that be wanted Clinton. Trump was not supposed to run and not supposed to win. Which is why the bullshit in the media started before he got elected. I just hope he goes far enough to clean house next round. I was jaded about selection until the 2016 election.
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    @M1sf3t I see where you are coming from. I still think Trump is different. If he decides to take on the Chinese influence in our government he will make enemies with Reps and Dems alike. I hope he does.

    I have hopes that the "Orange One" will prevail in fixing the rot.
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