
Will Technology Replaces the Teachers in future?

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    Yep. When the alien master race comes to enslave us, we will revert to a near primal state over generations treated like slaves.

    Eventually, we'll gain access to the learnin' machine and become smrtr, at which point we'll jump 10K years into the future in terms of knowledge and take back our freedom.

    And if you don't like the battlefield earth pamphlet, try this one...
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    They already did it for me. #selfThaught
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    @c3r38r170 It isnt about teachers but about people being smart and deciding to learn using existing sources.
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    I hope so than at least the OP can be thought how to formulate a sentence.
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    @hjk101 Your sentence is just as mistake-ridden.
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    @kescherRant So some things can be taught. Who would have thought.
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    well my school's administration is terrible with technology so i hope not
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    @Gregozor2121 There will always be the decision, humans will still be able to teach. It would be like in ancient times when popular people or geniuses had their disciples.
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