
SDLC in action

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    Way too much credit to waterfall. More like you plan for Mars and after the rocket is completely documented and mostly built you do UAT and discover that the customer wanted to go to “Mars Island Croatia” and you just wasted a few billion dollars building the wrong thing.
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    @irene if we consider that testing involved validation and Verification we can assume that waterfall works well.

    I still think that testing is bs that can br properly msneuvered by hiring proper engineers
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    In fairness of project methods, there are certain situations where waterfall is more suited than others, such as building rockets and buildings. Fast moving methods such as agile works well when you don’t heavily rely on other expensive dependencies such as hiring machines.
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    @irene From my experience, I find that your example could apply to all methods.
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    I feel like the writer of this cartoon had a hard-on for waterfall (or just thinks agile is crap, probably because they've never done it properly.)

    Certainly gave me a laugh, but these things are way funnier when they mock everything and don't push an agenda.
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    @AlmondSauce I think back when waterfall started it was a different culture. It seems like people wanted to build things that outlive them. Lots of those old systems still exist. To do that you need to know what you are building and look at things long term.

    Now “We need an app that should do a thing that we can’t describe because the budget is going away and it will look good on a year end report. Please take this money and build something. We don’t know if there will be money for phase 2.”

    Traditional design is a bad fit for idiots. Which is why it is a bad fit for most.
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    Waterfall is the only way to go when the goal is clear. If you assume all of the work is done properly, it ithe most direct approach.
    Agile is basically for building prototypes. You are meant to experiment. But honestly I find that it is overused as a substitute for proper goal specification. Many things you could literally just plan ahead if you talked with the right people.
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    @simulate even if the goal is clear ... agile helps to shape your goal better through constant feedback loop
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    @minisha Well I mean then your goal wasn't clear in the first case. A clear goal is basically an entire test suite you are trying to pass. As long as you can't write that you are not sure what your goals are.
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    @simulate In this changing word if you have very fixed goals . It will be out of date (out of market) when you finish it
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    @minisha Well as I said, there are use cases for agile, but I think it is overused. I think many product owners abuse it to avoid the responsibility of being specific and planning ahead. They want on demand software, but the price is inefficient development and longer development time overall.
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    @simulate In my experience waterfall work in an ideal world. It’s too hard to bring people together agile helps a lot in that aspect.

    I never seen an agile project failing so far though
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