Typical experience on devRant: I posted a tongue-in-cheek rant about something that I could easily fix if only I really wanted to, and I received unrequested advice after 5 seconds πŸ˜‚

Then I realized that this is probably what women experience on Twitter all the time πŸ€”

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    This rant is tongue-in-cheek too (except for the second part), please don't crucify me πŸ˜‚
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    You could fix your bug by using the time invested to write in devrant and read all answers to actually investigate and act.
    (Is my 5 seconds off?)

    What is this about Twitter and women? Want to learn more.
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    You mean instagram.
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    @lostinmyworld it was a reference to mansplaining on Twitter. There will always be someone trying to give unrequested advices to any post/tweet/comment, but most of the time it is men trying to give advice to women.

    I even saw (many) men trying to explain a field of research to a woman with a PhD in the field. Never saw the opposite though. That shit is real.

    @Quirinus I don't know about insta, I only look at cute kitties there. πŸ˜…
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    For me it seems that you have way too much free time in your hands to play the drama queen. Seriously mate you are making problems out of thin air.
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    @zemaitis and what triggered you to the point to call me a drama queen? Please, do tell.
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    Can you stop with "mansplaining". You're acting like women are unicorns, and you're generalizing men. That's not good for anyone.

    Men and women are different, we both have strengths and weaknesses. Your comments will not change the fundamental truth of that.
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    @Quirinus so funny, whenever someone talks about widely observed patterns that have to do with the gender gap, someone feels so triggered that he has to use arguments like "not all men" and "stop making a fuzz for nothing". Strawmen fallacies that are so easy to call out.

    I stand my case.
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    @CyclingMatt What is a strawmen in "not all men"? Mansplain that to me, please. You can't, because I'm right. So who's the one making strawmen here, again? Dont project your cognitive disonance nonsense at me.

    The problem isnt about men or women. There's plenty of men AND women that like to offer/push their unsolicited opinions onto you, and worse, expect you to acknowledge them as important and correct, even if they arent or you dont care.

    The problem here is the psychologically and sociogically impaired people that baloon their ego when giving advice and people getting all upset when recieving advice, as if thats a big problem. The problem is the weak communication and socialization/mental issues of the particular people. This is exasperated over the internet, as it's hard to judge the real intentions, and theres a more superficial interactions and "rules".

    We need some system to help people in the current world, because people are more and more lost.
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    Also, your anecdotal evidence is cute. I'd accept some real paper on it, but the sjw social studies have poluted the landscape lately, so it's hard to judge what is a real trustworthy source.

    Even if there are more men "mansplaining" than women, so what? Women do other annoying things. Who cares, we're different. Stop artificially hammering the wedge in between men and women. Stop using buzzwords.
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    @Quirinus "not all men" is a strawman because I never said "all men mansplain". But it's easier to forget it and instead accuse anyone else of it.

    And you are asking me to stop with buzzwords yet you use words such as "cognitive disonance" and "sjw". So coherent.

    I'd give you all the studies showing patterns of women being disadvantaged in a public context (such as Twitter), but you are already saying that the science is "polluted" by "sjw social studies" (and we all know that this just means that of they are disagreeing with you then they are wrong).

    Get down your high horse and start listening to women everywhere reporting exactly those patterns I mentioned. I didn't accuse all the men of anything nor that women are saints, I just stated that this pattern is very real.

    I'm done discussing the issue with you.
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    @CyclingMatt Wow, you've beaten the shit out of this dead horse of an argument. Congrats.
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