JavaScript templating libraries are such a joke.

Either they:

- Totally change the syntax of HTML (Which? would make them? Not a templating engine? But their own shitty markup language?)
- Are already deprecated (And the new version isn't done yet!)
- Both

  • 6
    Oh, don't forget the ones that change name every five minutes.
  • 2
    I found success in the past with EJS, did literally everything i wanted but judging by their main website being down i have no clue if they are still a viable option or not
  • 1
    @AleCx04 that's what I'm using atm when templates make more sense than XHR. But yeah.

    Many years ago when I started Node, this problem was already very potent.

    I rant today because recently I needed to choose a template engine after a few years without one (it just made more sense to use one. Some places, like error pages, should just be generated server-side), the problem was just as bad as day 1. Still no good choice, even after all these years.

  • 1
    Mustache? Thats the one i use with any language if i have to.
  • 0
    @yellow-dog Syntax looks kinda like handlebars
  • 1
    @Creep @yellow-dog hahaha.... Thanks for proving my point.... Moustache used to be handlebars
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm oh my god lmao
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