
I couldn't imagine how frustrating learning to program is if English is a second language.

I get irritated having to just change to Americanised spelling -- like "Colour" to "Color"

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    @Jilano British English (AKA: Proper English)
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    I'm Dutch and I did not find it frustrating at all, but I got taught English at a young age in school
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    @Jilano Beautiful
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    As a french guy, I often had to check spelling for some word because i struggle with letter order in some words. Lile awesome or answer (or awnser ?... F****)

    Out of that I mostly prefer english naming convention. (I have code that is part french, part english writed. Believe me, it's awful :3)
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    i use them interchangeably to make people very very mad

    "color is a fundamental part of visual expression but colour is also useful to guide the subconscious" now feed me your tears
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    Well the only inconvenience for me is that the programming [] {} () are way easier on English layouts than on Swedish ones. Could been easily fixed with getting such a keyboard tho
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