Only when the latest feature is implemented, the last bugfix and the last workaround are found, the last unit test is written, the latest CI/CD pipeline done, the customer guy does manual testing and acceptance tests on the staging server and let's them pass and a few days later it's pushed to production...
You will be reminded (again) that shitty customers do exist! A customer is the least capable person to tell you what the customer actually wants and is also the least trustworthy person to test the features he requested...
Holy fuck come on! Just test that shit on the staging Server! One Look could have already shown you that that's Not what you expected!

I checked the logs after that and yup you guessed correctly... The said endpoints weren't even used on staging, only on production...

  • 0
    In their defense, eat your own dogfood etc., you only ever find good bugs once you start using it daily and have actual usecases
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