
The more I work here the clearer it gets:
I just fucking can't make websites anymore.
I totally can't work on graphics, I can't transform a PSD into responsive HTML.

I fucking despise CSS, computers having different resolutions, having different browsers, doing mobile, doing iOS/safari which is always something extra.

I'm tired of not getting the appropriate resources and then people asking me why it just doesn't look the same.


  • 16
    I hate pretty things :D
  • 9
    I NEVER understood pixel perfect web design, nor using some proprietary software to define layers and the like. It would one thing if the format was universal, but that approach needs one piece of shit software to do that work. I saw jobs for that in the past and said HELL NO! I went back to doing systems programming primarily. Web design is a cluster IMO.
  • 1
    @Demolishun Yeah, I have this project now and that's just a fucking landing page, I paused app programming 2 days ago and I totally 100% want to go back
  • 10
    "pixel perfect" in 2020 is a code smell, imo. With flexbox, grid, etc, it should be screen relative. Guaranteed it you hear that, source sets, etc aren't even on their radar.

    If a designer isn't handing me XD or sketch, and ideally via zeplin, I have no respect for them. My resume says mathmagician, not design enthusiast.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested I got an XD, but don't have XD installed as it's not my primary task to do this stuff.

    Anyway I can barely open PSD, so I can't really get any measure from any file.
  • 3
    XD is thankfully free, but requires adobes cancer suite to open. Ideally theyd be sending you the product of that as a click through proto or PDF. Zeplin, for example, will generate CSS and specs out of it.

    Kick that shit back over the fence. PSDs aren't acceptable design deliverables
  • 0
    @SortOfTested why not? Btw I found some online service to open XD
  • 3
    Here we are all complaining about PSD's and here I am getting desktop only PDF image thats expected to be "mobile first"

    I threw pixel perfect out the window years, and I suggest you do the same.
    It's not cost effective or mentally worth while to have every screen and every browser and every resolution and every device look exactly the same, down to the point your manager pulls out a ruler and starts checking things.
    yea I've been there, never again.

    Adobe XD or even a PSD would be a dream world, at least you can deal with a psd in brackets.io (last time I used it) and generate the css required.
  • 1
    @C0D4 that info about brackets is some fucking useful shit!

    Anyway yeah, it's not really on me, my boss wants it to be pixel perfect.

    But there are sooo fucking many shit to place with position: absolute and I literally can't make it

    Will try again tomorrow with brackets and shit
  • 2
    @ZioCain I said I used to do this, I no longer work for that place 😏
    Although the pixel perfect wasn't the main problem, it was the extreme micromanagement of everything that got to me, it felt like I had no say or control of any of the dev work.

    Brackets I don't use anymore, but it helped me back in those days to speed up front end design work, what's the saying, work smart not hard 😎
  • 0
    Have you tried entering the world of backend development? Shit, there's nothing which looks pretty except for code (provided it's not spaghetti)
  • 0
    @samsepiol oh man, I really like that way more than frontend
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