
For the last time, SLOC is not a measure of anything.
Have too many, the code probably isn't DRY.
Have too few, you probably don't follow a style guide and have 120 char lines because you invented "oneliners" which you were so proud of that you had to put it in there.
Have just the right amount, and the code likely suffers from both of these at the same time.

  • 2
    But... Butt... My uncle Bob said... 😘
  • 3
    Don't do oneliners and unreadable smart-ass garbage, then use sloc to identify which files are too chonky and optimize that

    Usually works for me, YMMV
  • 3
    I feel all mozarty whenever someone comes at me with sloc arguments.

    "The application works great, dear dev, and an awful lot of code!"

    "Exactly as much code is necessary, my dude."
  • 1
    @SortOfTested lol yeah, if there's no reason to abstract things or whatever, why complain. As long as it's documented (who am I kidding nobody does that) and built logically it's fine.
  • 2
    how else do I flex for having to deal with 2+million LOC in a single project?

    Multiply this by a few projects and you stop working with monoliths, And start working with Godzillaliths.
  • 3
    One of my favorite quotes:

    Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight

    - Bill Gates (probably)
  • 1
    @C0D4 Okay, if the code is known to be bad it can be used to measure the amount of horror. Same as the airplane, although weight isn't a good measure of construction, it's perfect for scrap metal.
  • 1
    Iono, recruiters do judge experience in years. And I definitely judge writers in kilos of poetry.
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