Commute time to/from workstation reduced to a few seconds.

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    How did you get ahold of a teleporter anyway?
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    @Wisecrack By summoning the devil, obviously.
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    Did he also give you a golden fiddle, a twin headed guitar that causes panties to melt when you play it, a cursed plymouth fury that likes to go on murderous rampages, long walks on the beach, and a partridge in a pear tree?
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    Yes, but who the fuck wants a patridge in a pear tree?

    Why pears? What the hell is a partridge anyway?

    He gives you these three awesome things and then these two duds. Well, a murderous car might be considered a bug. Better ask your local mechanic. Don't let them charge you extra for an unnecessary exorcism of the transmission like they did me!

    Should have asked for an apple tree.
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