

Thanks for being concerned, im fine lmao. Compassionate managers are the best..

  • 9
    PMI cert apparently comes with the ability to disengage fucks given about other humans. I love modern society 😀
  • 1
    Some ppl....

    Very Humane.
  • 8
    Unpopular opinion, but he's right on hopefully taking note, but not reacting to it.
  • 1
    Your response to the 2nd question should've been "Any thoughts 'TO' when I'm getting my 20% raise?"
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop I can agree with that.. if he did take note. I can assure you he didn't
  • 1
    @MarcoCeccon yeah, its on my life goal list
  • 1
    Fuck I hate that managerial lingo
  • 6
    Can't fully judge the situation, but if you're not feeling well, physically or mentally, you should probably tell your work in advance that you're taking sick leave -- and be 100% unavailable for product managers. Give them a rough estimate on how serious it is ("I'm gonna need one or two days" or "not sure yet, I'll keep you updated").

    From my personal experience, it's also not the best idea to tell people at work what is going on exactly, especially if its psychological. Even the most well-meaning people will start using it against you.
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