I get that every small victory counts when you’re learning to code, but someone in my class just posted a link asking for feedback on the “coding challenge” they had completed. The link led to a website made from an HTML/CSS/JS template where only the ‘company name’ and hero image had been changed from the original template, nothing else. What exactly are you looking for “feedback” on here??? What was the “coding challenge”?

  • 9
    I mean they are on step 1/3 on being an wp developer. Almost there!!
  • 1
    that is a mystery
  • 1
    I dunno, I remember how thrilled I was to see "hello world" work for the first time. Like you said, every small victory counts
  • 2
    Great work! What else ya got? Technically encouraging but subtly unimpressed
  • 1
    Appreciate the little victories, be tolerant with newbies. Humility requires a level of understanding. Since I've started coding I've only grown ever more admiring towards good programmers.
    Expressing a slight dissatisfaction is okay though.
  • 0
    @Benutzername Stop saying shit. You can totally develop a fantastic wp website and no one will notice that's a wp theme. I've build myself a wp theme for a friend of mine who doesn't have time or skills to update the website with his contents, so I created a wp website from scratch and you can't notice this is a wp website. It's 100% designed and build by myself.

    So yeah there are wp website where just the color has changed from the original theme and the others 😉

    Problems don't appear with the tool but with the developer. 😉
  • 0
    @Wesley If it takes too long to load its probably a wordpress site. 🙊🤷‍♂️
    Call it intuition.
  • 1
    @Benutzername You will learn as you grow 😉
  • 0
    @Wesley Oh i almost forgot. Your personal wordpress site doesnt work correctly on mobile. You'll learn as you grow 🤣
  • 1
    @Benutzername Not a WordPress website 😉 And yeah not mobile friendly right now.
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