I wish to learn embedded systems and programming . Are there any online courses and mobile apps,? I'm a beginner.

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    So... what have you found already?
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    @amatrelan thank you so much . Now I have got a clarity what I have to do.
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    Adding on to @amatrelan, a few other arduino/ raspberry pi projects you could work on are:

    Connecting it to your lights to make them turn on automatically (use an electronic switch)

    A radio/ music player

    Some kind of robot

    And there are sensors you can play with for pretty much anything, not just temp
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    @LavaTheif Thank you . I have one more Doubt what is the difference between 'C', 'embedded C' and 'arduino' programming . I have bought Arduino mega 2560.
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    I can highly recommend the arduino starter kit.

    It contains a couple of sensors motors and stuff and a book that has examples and challenges in it.

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    @shyamsundhar Embedded is pure, Arduino is a framework for embedded C.
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    I can recomended Arduino. You can even code a freaking satellite and send it to space!
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    #include <@Fast-Nop .h>
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