Fucking pay cuts are already here. My fuckwad company decided to push paycuts for the entire year.

Are companies still hiring in a pandemic? If they are, who?

  • 0
    O.o What field is your company in (or it's clients if it's an IT company)??
  • 1
    @sladuled we build banking shit. The company absolutely has enough liquidity. They were just waiting for the right excuse. With this shit market, we can't even job hunt.
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    I Had two recruiters literally offering "maximize your chances during the crisis!" Bullshit
  • 1
    @hashedram Oh fuck.. Sorry to hear that they're exploiting this. :/

    I wonder what will happen to us.. just got notif that the paycheck will be delayed for some delays due to new law they are trying to pass.. o.O
  • 0
    Security will always be hiring as an entry level job. Police are always going to be hiring as they need more during the pandemic.
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    Retail giants will do quite well out of this pandemic...
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    Indian? Infosys? Any other babachaap?
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