
I'd just like to say that people who enjoy shit like this probably match the laugh track while watching The Big Bang Theory.

  • 5
    Reminds me of another stupid binary joke I've heard a thousand times: "There are 10 different kinds of programmers, those who know binary and those who don't."
  • 8
    Sorry, that comic is wrong. An index is something completely different than a quantity.

    Programmers will still need three fingers for three beers.

    You may reuse that joke for the guys from the sawmill...
  • 5
    Missing semicolon is the second worst joke outside of the 10 different people one.

    Like bruh it's 2020 our technology tells us where the fuck errors are
  • 1
    @Stuxnet I guess some people don't have 2020 vision
  • 1
    @ddephor 11 binary = 3 decimal
  • 0

    You are right.Index is not for counting.

    Index is based on memory and starting position.

    All the array have the memory at the starting position and index said he many position to move from starting position.

    ary[0] = mean move 0 position from the starting position and give me the element at that position (start position).
  • 0
    @mr-user he’s holding up 2 fingers, meaning 11 binary
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