
Any Indian students here?. Are you guys still using Turboo C++ to teach programming?.
Also what about microprocessor?. Still 8085?

  • 5
    I mean, not Indian but I cut my teeth on sub-1M transistors 25 years ago. Still keep some around for posteriority.
  • 2
    My college had turboc++ in the first year and 8086 (the *original* 8086) in the second year yeah. This would be 5 years ago or so.

    (Weirdly enough that was only in first year's intro course, later on it was ye olde g++).
  • 1
    @SortOfTested I think the manufactures should stop making them. Probably that would stop the universities from including them in the syllabus.
  • 0
    @RememberMe . I just realised after searching for turboc++, It is still popular in Indian universities. God I am ready to start a war against the fucking universities. This must die..
  • 1
    They'd just source them off eBay. They keep teaching you on old hardware because it saves them having to pay to develop new curricula.
  • 1
    @BlueSky honestly I have fond memories of TC++. Sure the blue is obnoxious and the compiler is rubbish and doesn't give you modern C++ features but it worked well enough for what it was. I made a lot of stuff on it.
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    @RememberMe I am sure that you are really good at it. But for the average student, that shit makes the experience so horrible and may even start hating programming.
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    @BlueSky If Indian universities deterred less determined students from programming, I wouldn't regard that as a bad thing.

    Also, what's wrong with 8086 for didactic purposes? Uh-oh it doesn't run fucking Arch? So what, half of the Indians are already vedge so that they don't need Arch anyway.
  • 3
    I learned from Turbo C++ that a chickens skull vibrates at 7Hz.
  • 1
    i'd love an 8086, or like a 386/486 at worst, to just fuck with.

    ("just use dosbox/86em/etc" yeah but like everything that isn't some of the processors aren't emulated well at all so suck my cock thank you)
  • 2
    @Parzi I unfortunately could not find an 8088/8086 PC/104. But I found this:

  • 1
    @Demolishun Ah we had 386 at school in the 90s. And one 486. Teacher wanted to explain O(n^2) and why it sucks, so he asked how we'd deal with <insert some bigger shit here>. One pupil smiled and answered "I'd just take the 486".
  • 0
    I never know turboo c++ exist until this post.
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