I am here for some days now and still only see downvote buttons everywhere. There are no upvote buttons.
Is that a bug or when does the upvote buttons become available?

  • 0
    Sounds like a bug
  • 6
    Your adblocker is mistaking them for Google Plus buttons. Just disable cosmetic filtering on devRant.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop beat me to it! ☹
  • 6
    Dmm't, missed opportunity for, "it's like SO, you can't upvote until you have 2000 rep."
  • 0
    As you can see in your timeline, i am obviously not banned from _all_ voting. ;)
  • 1
    Thanks. Didn't know, that Google Plus is still a thing.
    Now i am trying to find the specific filter that hides the ++ button...
  • 1
    Looks like the filter lists Fanboy's Annoyance and Fanboy's Social are both hiding the ++ button...
  • 0
    I am genuinely surprised that downvotes are excluded. Everything else that could possibly be included in a feed is included.
  • 0
    @Oktokolo The point is to prevent revenge downvotes.
  • 0
    Okay, that makes sense.
    But i wonder if the whole revenge thing would actually happen often on a site like this. The site actually is about ranting and complaining. So downvotes should be a common thing.
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