
My company have become fucking douche bag! I have been working overtime everyday day till late nights for 2 weeks including one weekend and I got a notice for slow work just because I was not able to work on the second weekend because of health issues. Fuck this insensitive shit company treating employees as a piece of shit!

  • 11
    Stop doing it and search for another company.

    You owe the company only the time written in your contract, and not more. You will get nothing for doing more, not even thanks.
  • 1
    @sbiewald yeah bro! But the time is different! Companies are becoming more dominant in this era of pandemic because they know it won't be easy for a job change right now!
  • 2
    Working on a weekend without pay requires special thanks at the very least. If you are unhappy you can still update your resume and try? Most tech work are remote anyway.
  • 1
    @iamai Yeah, am certainly trying! It's just too complicated in this era of pandemic, though, hoping for the best!
  • 1
    @ddev good luck!
  • 0
    @rutee07 Haha, hell yeah! 💯
  • 6
    @sbiewald That's not entirely true, you do get one thing: an expectation to continue doing it.

    For my first job I would break my ass trying to meet every estimate and deadline, and it's obvious in hindsight how all it did was set the precedent that their deadlines are always on point; it always just works out - until I left due to the lack of recognition.
  • 2
    @rutee07 @ltlian agree, my words to management when they want to lower the estimates or make us absorb additional work....it's a dangerous precedent. Then nobody likes to decide and it becomes a stalemate and your working window becomes shorter because of indecision and red tape. In the end, someone still has to work overtime.
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