Why the fuck it's so hard to name my open source project? Damm it.

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    what is it about?
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    Call it Open(What it does), or if its for java (Whst it does)4J.

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    If it's about JS. Then just add some random noun + JS.
    Job done
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    Because no matter what you want to do, there are already 1482 applications just like that, and all meaningful names are taken. Which is why OSS project names are stupid and don't have any connection to their purpose.
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    Call it Shiv
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    Grab a book, open any page. Point to any random text on the page. That's your first word. Open a different page. Point to any random text on the page. That's your 2nd word. Combine 1st and 2nd word and you have a name

    If that is too many steps, Google a password generator website and use that password. At least you know it's a strong name.
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    @molaram "SBS" for short. And you only write the entire name in a little corner somewhere. It becomes super popular, everyone is saying "SBS", until one day, it's published in the New York Times. After that, you get invited on all the talk shows across the globe, doing interviews after interviews, and then... Someone finally ask you THE question you fear: "But OP, you HAVE to tell us! What does "SBS" mean?"
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    Before sending "ship" to the sea (hi analogies), I always take a good look on the count of search results and their contents, because one day or another someone will go there to search for it. Can it be considered a preliminary SEO? I don't know, but I feel good when I finally come up with the catchy and original title. 🤓 So, good luck with it!
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    @mojo2012 @Fast-Nop version manager for specific tool. There are tools but they cover only Linux and Mac. I want one for windows. And I want things to happen in more dynamic way. And i want my hands to get dirty in open source.
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    Well, as has already been said, simply pick a code name for the time being and for good or worse, a final name will surface later.
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    @theuser yeah. I had same idea and I started already.
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    You can take any name of element from periodic table. Others like selenium and oxygen has done it
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    Peepee poopoo
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